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What is Heart Disease

What is Heart Disease

A variety of disorders that affect the heart are referred to as heart diseases. Heart conditions consist of diseases of the blood vessels, such as coronary artery disease, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). Heart problems could be birth defects (congenital heart defects), muscular disease of the heart, and heart valve dysfunction.

Healthy lifestyle choices can either prevent or treat many types of heart disease. The main cause of death worldwide is heart disease. Additionally, heart disease has no age, ethnicity, or gender restrictions; it can harm anyone.

What causes Heart Disease?

The causes for different heart diseases are different. Every disease hits a particular part with a different mechanism.

Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease

The most frequent cause of coronary artery disease is atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries.

Poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking are risk factors. The risk of atherosclerosis can be reduced by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital Heart Defects

During the course of a baby's development in the womb, a congenital heart problem forms. About a month after conception, the baby's developing heart gives rise to a congenital cardiac defect.

Congenital cardiac abnormalities alter the heart's blood flow. Congenital cardiac problems are more likely to occur as a result of certain diseases, drugs, and genetic factors.

Irregular Heartbeats (Arrhythmias)
Irregular Heartbeats (Arrhythmias)

Some conditions or common causes of arrhythmias include cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, smoking, emotional stress, or excessive use of caffeine or alcohol.

Heart Valve Disease
Heart Valve Disease

Heart valve problems can be brought on by a variety of factors.

Some people have heart valve problems from birth (congenital heart valve disease). Conditions like infection with rheumatic fever (infectious endocarditis), connective tissue conditions may also contribute to heart valve disease.

Heart Infection
Heart Infection

When germs go into the heart or heart valves, a heart infection like endocarditis occurs. Heart infections are most frequently brought on by viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

Types of Heart Diseases

The different types of heart diseases that can develop overtime are discussed below.


Plaque accumulation on the inside lining of your arteries causes the condition atherosclerosis. The sensitivity to atherosclerosis is significantly impacted by the lifestyle decisions that one makes.

Serious problems such as aneurysms, coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and more may develop if it is not addressed.

Cardiac arrhythmias

An erratic heartbeat is referred to as a heart arrhythmia. It happens when the electrical signals that regulate the heartbeat aren't functioning properly.

A tachycardia is defined as a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute, even while at rest, while bradycardia is defined as a heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute.

Congenital Heart Disease

The term "congenital heart disease" refers to a variety of birth defects that impair the heart's ability to function normally. When a condition is described as "congenital," it means it has existed from birth. About 30% of all birth abnormalities are caused by congenital cardiac conditions.


When a portion of the brain's blood supply is cut off or diminished, brain tissue cannot receive oxygen and nutrients. Both illnesses restrict nutrient-rich blood from reaching the brain, which results in an oxygen shortage that can kill brain cells and cause temporary or permanent damage.

Heart valve disease

Heart valve illnesses cover a broad range of conditions or flaws that make it difficult for the heart's valves to open or close normally, which affects the heart's ability to beat normally.

Such flaws can affect any of the 4 valves, or even more than one valve at once, and may be present from birth or develop later in life.

The three most typical issues with the heart valves are atresia, stenosis, and regurgitation.

Heart failure

When the heart muscle is unable to adequately pump blood, heart failure ensues. A heart attack can be broadly divided into four varieties based on the location of the heart that has been affected:

  • Heart failure on the left side
  • Heart failure on the right side
  • Heart failure with diastole
  • Failing heart in systole

A major infection, accident, or underlying heart condition can all cause heart failure. If someone is fat, excessively smokes, leads a sedentary lifestyle, or engages in unhealthy eating habits, the risks are significantly higher.

Heart Attack

Heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarctions, typically occur when the blood supply to a portion of the heart muscle is inadequate. The greater the likelihood of heart muscle injury if untreated.

What are the risk factors for Heart Disease?

Following are major risk factors that lead to heart diseases:

Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Family Background
Family Background

The risk of coronary artery disease is increased by a family history of the condition, particularly if a parent experienced it at a young age (before age 55 for a male relative, such as your brother or father, and 65 for a female relative, such as your mother or sister).


Smoke from tobacco causes the arteries to get damaged.

Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to experience a heart attack. Discuss strategies with the heart doctor if you need assistance quitting.

Increased Cholesterol
Increased Cholesterol

Atherosclerosis risk is increased by having high cholesterol.

Heart attacks and strokes have been linked to atherosclerosis.

Less Exercise
Less exercise

Heart disease in many forms and some of its risk factors are linked to inactivity (sedentary lifestyle).

Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease

The signs and symptoms vary according to the kind of heart disease developed.

Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease
  • Coronary artery disease symptoms can include chest discomfort, tightness, pressure, and pain in the chest (angina), breathing difficulty, back, neck, jaw, throat, upper belly, or back pain.
  • If the blood arteries in the legs or arms are narrowed, those portions of the body may experience pain, numbness, weakness, or coldness.
  • Symptoms of heart arrhythmias can include chest discomfort or agony, dizziness, syncope or fainting or nearly fainting, heart palpitations, and lightheadedness.
  • Children with congenital cardiac defects may exhibit the signs like blue or grey lips or skin (cyanosis), swelling around the eyes, in the tummy, or in the legs, and breathlessness during feedings in a baby causes low weight gain.
  • Typical signs of cardiac valve disease include chest pain, fainting (syncope), fatigue, abnormal heartbeat, breathing difficulty, and enlarged ankles or feet.

Why should the issue not be ignored?

When the heart related issues are left untreated, following complications can arise:

Unexpected cardiac arrest

The sudden loss of respiration, awareness, and heart function is referred to as sudden cardiac arrest. The electrical system of the heart is typically the cause. A sudden heart attack is a medical emergency. Sudden cardiac death occurs if the condition is not immediately treated.


An arterial wall protrusion is known as an aneurysm. If an aneurysm ruptures, one could experience potentially fatal internal bleeding.

Peripheral artery disease

In this disease, there is insufficient blood flow to the arms or legs, typically the legs. This results in symptoms, chief among them walking-related leg pain (claudication). Peripheral artery disease can result from atherosclerosis.

Diagnosis of Heart Disease

The diagnosis is carried out through various medical equipment and mechanisms that help to know about the functioning of the heart in detail.


The electrical signals in the heart are captured by an ECG, which is a rapid and painless examination. If the heart is beating too quickly or too slowly, it can detect this.


In this non-invasive examination, sound waves are used to provide precise pictures of the beating heart. It demonstrates how the heart's valves and blood flow through the heart. If a valve is constricted or leaking, an echocardiography might assist in identifying it.

Catheterization of the Heart

This examination can reveal cardiac artery obstructions. The heart is reached by inserting a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter) into a blood artery, typically in the groyne or wrist. To reach the heart's arteries, dye passes through the catheter. During the examination, the dye makes the arteries more visible on X-ray images.

Cardiothoracic CT Scan

One can recline on a table within a doughnut-shaped machine for a heart CT scan. The machine's internal X-ray tube spins around the body while taking pictures of the chest and heart.

Stress Testing or Exercise Tests

These tests frequently entail using a treadmill or a stationary cycle while the heart rate is being tracked. Exercise tests can assist in determining how the heart responds to exercise and whether exercising causes heart disease symptoms.

What precautions should be taken to avoid heart disease?

  • Consume less salt and saturated fats
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Take less stress
  • Get quality sleep
  • Avoid drinking and smoking
  • Manage high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure
What precautions should be taken

Ayurvedic Treatment for Heart Disease

The heart is one of the essential organs, according to Ayurveda, that pumps blood throughout the body and maintains overall health.

According to the ayurvedic concept of the human body, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas that control it.

The three sub-life energies known as Vyana Vata (blood flow and beat), Sadhaka Pitta (emotional equilibrium), and Avalambaka Kapha also control the heart (Sense of security). A path to a healthy mind, body, and soul is through a healthy heart.

The vitiation of the Kapha is what causes heart disease, whether it be coronary heart disease or high cholesterol. A sedentary lifestyle, consumption of fatty foods, particularly trans-fats, and a deficiency in fruits and vegetables are the main contributing factors.

The Ayurvedic treatment for diseases like heart failure include the use of several herbal pills, powders, or therapies that provide strength to the body and aid in effective recovery processes.

In order to totally rid the body of the condition, Ayurveda addresses its causal factors.

Ayurvedic herbs for Heart Disease

The Ayurvedic herbs carry several herbal properties that help in treating the disease with minimal or no side-effects.



Curcumin reduces bad cholesterol, which is a major contributor to heart disease, and has anti-inflammatory qualities. It aids in the prevention of atherosclerosis disorders brought on by significant artery plaque formation.


To lower high cholesterol and blood fat levels, Triphala is a concoction comprising the herbs Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. By addressing the underlying causes of blood fat and cholesterol, the heart's health is maintained.


It is a miracle herb that may strengthen the heart muscles and ease mental and physical anxiety. Ashwagandha strengthens the immune system and offers the body with proper nutrients.


It is a high-quality, all-natural plant that protects the heart while enhancing normal heart function. It enhances the synchronisation of cardiac muscles, which is important for both contraction and relaxation, hence enhancing heart health.


It aids in preventing artery plaque formation and reversing heart blockages. It is a very practical and commonly used item that prevents heart disease.

Why Karma Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic treatments aid in keeping the arteries flexible and guard against their hardening. In order to lower the risk of heart failure and aid in the treatment of heart disease, the potent medicinal herbs work to clear any blockages from the blood vessels.

The goal of Karma Ayurveda is to offer a long-lasting, all-natural solution for a wide range of chronic illnesses, including heart disease like Coronary Artery Disease/Ischemic Heart Disease.

Our all-natural method of treating heart disease using medicinal herbs, special diets, and lifestyle changes reduces the risk of heart disease. Controlling heart disease risk factors and delaying the disease's development into a serious condition are the key goals.

Karma Ayurveda is a leading healthcare organisation that offers holistic approaches to treating diseases. Being the pioneers of Ayurveda, we provide specialised treatments to the people to promote their well being. We aim to resolve the issue by using principles of Ayurveda.

Our motto remains to cure major health ailments from its core and honour the patient's life at its best. We always try to implement the best of our treatment methods.

We believe in treating people with decency, appreciating their contributions, and cultivating a culture that allows each individual to reach their greatest potential.

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